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Upset Prevention and Recovery Techniques for PPL

Loss of control in flight (LOC-I) is currently the single greatest cause of fatal accidents in both General and Commercial Aviation. In my view it is the one area where we can, and should, be working to address this issue in PPL training, as has been done in training for commercial pilot licences. The following facts tell their own story;

Quote fromEASA 2020 Safety Review for light aircraft;

"EASA has risk assessed all accidents in this domain using the European Risk Classification Scheme (ERCS). ...The figure clearly shows that the Key Risk Area showing the highest risk is aircraft upset"

top 10 GA accidents
loss of control in flight

Since December of 2019, all applicants for a commercial licence must complete 3 hours of (On aircraft) UPRT training prior to first multi pilot type rating.

80% of all fatal accidents in europe, in ALL aviation types, occurred in light aircraft below 2250kg MTOW. The primary cause was Loss of Control In Flight.

There are currently no proposals to review the training of PPL holders to counter this threat.

plane crash site

Solution -The evidence indicates that more effective training in the recognition and avoidance of loss of control, and recovery techniques where avoidance has failed, is required and that effective training in these skills can contribute significantly to making you a safer pilot. Whilst your finances may not stretch to the full UPRT course (FCL.745) undertaken by commercial pilots, HFTS are able to provide tailored training to enhance your skills in this critical area.

In recognition of the nature of this instruction, EASA introduced a "UPRT FI" Qualification. It is vital that this type of training is only delivered by those with the necessary experience and qualification to do so.


If you would like to discuss training in UPRT techniques, contact me via the button below, prices start at £250 / flying hour including aircraft hire (Robin 2160).

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